In this article I share my understanding of depression and its root causes from a holistic perspective. As I worked through the deep depression and extreme anxiety on my own, I discovered some crucial insights about life and what depression is really all about.
What is depression?
Depression is a very dark, heavy period in one’s life that is brought on by some major loss, change, or disruption that often leaves the person with a feeling of deep sadness, or feeling of emptiness and disconnection, loneliness, helplessness, hopelessness, and a lack of optimism or motivation.
For me, I experienced all of the above when everything in my life was kicked out from under me all at once.
My Intuition
Despite the deep physical pain, anxiety, and heaviness, I had a distinct feeling that there was something much bigger going on and that I needed to work through it on my own.
My Observation
The process I undertook was to simply observe and connect the dots. I observed repeating patterns of negative thoughts playing in my mind. The scary part was the realization that I was creating the very things that I feared, which set off even more fear.
Light-bulb Moment
As I reflected on what was taking place, then came a light-bulb moment — if I have the power to create what I feared, then I surely also have the power to stop or change it.
Turning Point
Right then I decided — I will choose to be mindful, use positive thoughts, and maintain a laser-sharp focus to create what I truly desire in my life. That was a huge turning point — all aspects of my life that were stuck started to move again. I understood the power of the mind.
Emotions and Feelings
Later, I would go on to understand that there are other important components — namely, emotions and feelings, which play a vital role in creating our life experiences. When emotions and feelings are left unresolved, they become stuck and have the power to stop us dead in our tracks.
In Conclusion
When seen from a holistic perspective, depression is life’s way of creating a pause in a person’s life to allow them to stop and reassess what is and is not working for them. Addressing the root causes of depression, namely the rigid or static way of looking at life and dealing with unresolved emotions and feelings allows growth and movement forward once again.
When each person learns to harness the power of the mind, emotions, and feelings, we can create a thriving, happy, and satisfying life for ourselves.
So you might ask, what is it all for, and where is it leading to? The realization through reviewing my own life experiences is this — there is a purpose to life, and each life experience is part of a massive jigsaw puzzle. Each of us is on a Quest to discover!
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