DIFFUSION is a very powerful, yet gentle, audio tool for stress relief and relaxation. It utilizes a very specific combination of unique tones produced by crystal bowls to relax the mind and create mental clarity, as well as calm emotions and feelings. It also transmutes the charge held by unresolved emotions and feelings, and helps to eliminate everyday tension in the body and induce healing on many levels.
DIFFUSION audio tool contains tones (not music) on a single track that is approximately 47 minutes long. From start to finish it is designed to calm the mind and emotions and re-balance the whole body.Sample DIFFUSION
Click on the icon to listen to a short clip of the recording. Use quality stereo headphones/ear-buds and adjust the volume so it plays very softly. Do not strain to listen to the tones — simply sit back, breathe gently in and out through your nose and relax.
Please Note:
*** Important! DO NOT convert DIFFUSION to MP3 or other lossy (compressed) formats. Instead, listen to the tones directly from the downloaded file. Conversion to MP3 or other lossy formats eliminates important higher overtones recorded on the track. For the same reason, DO NOT use noise-cancelling headphones/ear-buds.
In times of mental and emotional turmoil, DIFFUSION has unfailingly brought me serenity and equanimity.
I put on DIFFUSION and within 5 minutes I find that I can slip into a meditative state that would normally take me the better part of an hour to achieve through traditional meditation techniques.
I just wanted to say that the very first time I used DIFFUSION, the healing intent worked great. I had injured one of the toes on my right foot and it was quite swollen and bruised. The toe bones weren’t broken but the soft tissue was very painful to touch. Following the instructions for the healing intent, I used DIFFUSION 3 times over 3 days. The morning after the first session, the bruising had subsided far enough to say it was quite remarkable and the swelling had all but disappeared. By the morning after the third session the bruise was reduced to a very small spot. Whatever is on DIFFUSION worked well for me.
Sleep VERY DEEPLY and very well. My body is much more relaxed than usual when I awake. WOW!
Great sleep. Good focus.
My wife introduced me on my birthday to a new CD that she promised would help me get a good night’s sleep. Of course, I was very skeptical. Boy, was I dead wrong. Following the instructions provided, I was not only starting to fall into a deep sleep, but I would wake up every morning feeling 10 if not 20 years younger. Suddenly, there weren’t enough minutes in the day to get all the things done that I had the energy to do. I since have recommended DIFFUSION to my friends and family. By the way, a good night’s sleep was the best present I could have received.
For me, listening to DIFFUSION was like discovering a refuge from the stresses of balancing career and family commitments. Listening to DIFFUSION for just 45 minutes per day is life changing. I put it on and within 5 minutes I am asleep. I awake in the morning feeling refreshed and I am no longer plagued by difficulties I used to have with grinding my teeth during sleep. If there is a specific issue or emotion that has troubled me during the day, I can set an intent while listening to DIFFUSION to gain clarity on the issue, or to diffuse negative emotions and I miraculously awake the next day with increased clarity and happiness. I recommend DIFFUSION to everyone I meet. It is extremely helpful in dealing with the stresses of everyday living.
I have been running on adrenaline for the past couple of months, and listening to DIFFUSION just once brought me down to my normal body state.
Let us know how DIFFUSION has helped you:
Release stress and tension in your body and experience deep relaxation
Additional Information
Crystal bowls are large quartz bowls that when played produce sound much like when you rub your finger on the rim of a wine glass, except that these bowls produce a full and rich set of tones that span a wide musical spectrum. Each bowl has its own pure sound.
Over the centuries sound and beautiful music have been used to relax and heal. The unique crystalline properties of the quartz bowls amplify sound to facilitate healing at a very deep level.
So how does this work? The human body can be seen as an energy field with many systems in it, and each system has its own multiple resonant frequencies. Resonant frequency is the natural frequency at which an object or system vibrates at most comfortably. Stress in life causes the systems to drop to a lower resonant frequency. When DIFFUSION is played, its unique tones cause each system to vibrate at its own higher resonant frequencies, which allows the body to relax.
Important! DO NOT convert DIFFUSION to MP3 or other lossy (compressed) formats. Instead, listen to the tones directly from the downloaded file. Conversion to MP3 or other lossy formats eliminates important higher overtones recorded on the track. For the same reason, DO NOT use noise-cancelling headphones/ear-buds.
The following is a partial list of suggested applications for DIFFUSION:
- Stress relief
- Relaxation
- Deep restorative sleep - helps with insomnia
- Calm the mind, emotions and feelings
- Transmute unresolved emotions and feelings
- Mental clarity — for school-age children and adults
- Clearing negativity
- Meditation
DIFFUSION is a very powerful but gentle audio tool with many applications. Please follow the instructions below to help you get the maximum benefit out of this tool. You may also click the following link and save these instructions to your desktop – view/save DIFFUSION instructions.
- DO NOT use DIFFUSION while driving, taking a bath, or during any other activity that requires you to be alert. In fact, the tones in this audio tool will induce sleep.
- DO NOT convert DIFFUSION to MP3 or other lossy (compressed) formats. Instead, listen to the tones directly from the downloaded file. Conversion to MP3 or other lossy formats eliminates important higher overtones recorded on the track. For the same reason, DO NOT use noise-cancelling headphones/ear-buds.
Note: When using DIFFUSION you must follow the three important points highlighted below.
1. Listen to DIFFUSION when you go to sleep, or whenever you can find at least 50 minutes to an hour where you will be left undisturbed. Ideally, it is best to play DIFFUSION when you go to sleep, so you do not have to set aside any special time for it. However, there are some exceptions — refer to the sample intents in the FAQs below for additional information.
2.Set an intent before you play DIFFUSION . Think clearly about what you desire the audio tool to assist you with — this is called setting an intent. Once you set the intent, let go of it and relax. Keep the intents really short and simple, but be precise with the wording. Refer to the FAQs for sample intents..
3. Always use quality stereo headphones or ear-buds when listening to DIFFUSION. Adjust the volume level so the tones play very softly.
4. Gently breathe in and out through your nose in rhythm with the two repeating tones on the audio tool and simply allow your body to relax. Do not strain to listen to the tones — instead, gently focus on your breathing rhythm, if you can. It is quite all right if you fall asleep as you listen to DIFFUSION.
5. Play DIFFUSION in its entirety. You do not need to play DIFFUSION in Repeat mode.
6. If at any time you feel restless, agitated or emotional while DIFFUSION is playing, just continue breathing in and out through your nose and let the tones quickly and gently calm you down.
7. Unresolved emotions and feelings are toxic in nature, and when releasing these some detoxification of the body may be required. Some recommendations for detoxification include 20-minute Epsom salt baths (maximum once a week), drink lots of filtered water, eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and get adequate rest.
Optional DOs:
1. Journal your inner thoughts and feelings to help you connect the dots and become more aware of what is really going on in your life beneath the surface.
There are two reasons for this. First, headphones allow you to introduce the pure higher resonant frequencies of the DIFFUSION audio tool close to the brain, to allow it to go into resonance quickly. The brain then sends appropriates signals through the spinal chord to the various parts of the body to relax and heal.
The second reason is to introduce different frequencies to each ear to induce balance in both sides of the brain. The frequencies change every 1-1/2 minutes.
Please note that you can use quality stereo ear buds instead of stereo headphones. Avoid using noise-cancelling headphones/ear-buds.
Preliminary investigation has shown that DIFFUSION actually induces delta, theta and alpha brainwaves simultaneously. The image below is a snapshot from an EEG scan that shows typical brainwave activity when DIFFUSION is playing.
Delta brainwaves (0 - 4 Hz shown in purple) typically occur when you are in deep sleep. This state has long been associated with deep healing. Theta brainwaves (4 - 8 Hz shown in magenta) are typically associated with deep relaxation, stress relief, calmness, light sleep and dreaming, enhanced creativity, meditation, as well as transference to long-term memory. Alpha brainwaves (8 - 12 Hz shown in cyan) are typically associated with visualization, problem solving, mental clarity, creativity. Beta brainwaves (15 - 40 Hz shown in deep blue, and other colours to its right) are typically associated with the heightened state of alertness and concentration found during normal waking hours.
Because DIFFUSION can induce delta, theta, and alpha brainwave states simultaneously, it is very important to set an intent to direct what you want the DIFFUSION audio tool to do for you.
Breathing is very important, but you do not have to struggle to establish proper breathing techniques right away. To begin with, start breathing at a pace that is comfortable to you as you listen to the tones on the DIFFUSION audio tool. The suggestion below can help you breathe to the tones.
Set aside a few minutes daily so you can learn to expand your breathing. You do not need to listen to DIFFUSION as you do this exercise. Breathe in slowly as you quietly count to two. Then gently hold your breath as you quietly count to two. Then gently exhale as you quietly count to two. Repeat this a few days so you get comfortable with the breathing. Then slowly increase the count on the inhale to three, hold for two, and exhale on three. Repeat this for a few days until you feel comfortable. Then increase the count by one on your inhale, hold, and exhale. Repeat this for a few more days, and increase the count. Before you know it, your breathing pattern will have changed and you should have no difficulty keeping up with the DIFFUSION tones.
You must set an intent before you play the DIFFUSION audio tool. If good sleep is what you desire, then set an intent for deep, restful and restorative sleep before you play the DIFFUSION. Gently breathe in and out through your nose in rhythm with the two repeating tones on the DIFFUSION audio tool and let them gently lull you to sleep — do not strain to listen to the tones.
Also avoid caffeinated drinks, alcohol, smoking, or any activity that can leave you feeling agitated before going to bed.
There can be many reasons why you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep. If needed, play DIFFUSION again so you can go back to sleep.
As you start to use the DIFFUSION audio tool regularly you will find that you need less sleep, because the tones rejuvenate your body leaving you fully rested, calm and energetic so you can have a great start to the day in the morning.
All tones on the DIFFUSION audio tool are carefully arranged to re-balance the whole of your being. Certain tones on the audio clip may gently trigger memories of some long-suppressed experiences (this is done for the purposes of re-balancing them), while other tones will then quickly and safely transmute the charge around the unresolved emotions and feelings associated with those memories. However, the conscious mind may not quite understand all of this and fight to keep the memories suppressed, and may instead signal you that the tones are uncomfortable or irritable. Gently breathe in and out through your nose, and stay with your emotions and feelings so DIFFUSION can continue to transmute them.
If it feels more comfortable for you, wait for two or three days to give your conscious mind a chance to adjust, and try again. Once the unresolved emotions and feelings around those memories are diffused, the tones will no longer bother you.
Some “issues” in our lives are simple, but others are not. If the clarity you seek is not readily apparent, start asking probing questions and keep an open mind to the answers that come to you through your own thoughts and feelings. When you start probing you may realize that there are a number of complex things going on. Asking the question “Why?” will help you to probe deeper and deeper so you can understand the whole picture.
In cases like these, you may need to listen to DIFFUSION several times before you get to the bottom of it. You will need to set a different intent each time to help you probe deeper. Remember to keep the intent really simple and precise. If the answers do not come right away, they will come to you in the hours and days ahead. The answers will be in the subtle things around you – in your thoughts, feelings and even in your interactions with others. Be sure to keep a journal and write down your inner thoughts and feelings so you can connect all the dots. It is like putting together a puzzle, so be patient and you will see the whole picture emerge as you connect the dots.
Despite what you are perceiving, something does take place. The question is - are you really willing to be open to what is going on in your life? Try and keep an open mind to any new awareness that is opening up, and you will indeed see what is actually happening.
Application | Frequency of Use | Notes |
Stress relief | Play DIFFUSION as needed | Sample Intent: "I set my intent to release stress and experience deep relaxation." |
Deep restorative sleep | Play DIFFUSION at bedtime as needed | Sample Intent: "I set my intent to have 8 hours of deep, restful and restorative sleep." |
Calm the mind and emotions | Play DIFFUSION as needed | Sample Intent: "I set my intent to transmute any unresolved emotions and feelings, and calm my mind" |
Mental clarity (for decision making or clarity on specific issues) | Play DIFFUSION at BEDTIME. If additional sessions are required, try and allow 3 days between each session in order to give you time to connect the dots. Journal your thoughts, emotions and feelings. You can also use DIFFUSION for this purpose as you sleep, so the clarity you seek is available to you in your waking hours. | Sample Intent: "I set my intent to transmute any unresolved emotions and feelings, calm my mind, and have clarity on... (insert the specific issue you are dealing with).." |
Clear general negativity | Play DIFFUSION during the DAYTIME. If additional sessions are required, try and allow 3 days between each session. | Sample Intent: "I set my intent to transmute unresolved emotions and feelings, and release outdated beliefs." |
Meditation | Play DIFFUSION as needed | Sample Intent: "I set my intent to calm my emotions and my mind, and to move into a deep meditative state." Note: Breathing is very important, so time it to the repeating tones on the audio clip. |