
I have been running on adrenaline for the past couple of months, and listening to DIFFUSION just once brought me down to my normal body state....


For me, listening to DIFFUSION was like discovering a refuge from the stresses of balancing career and family commitments. Listening to DIFFUSION for just 45 minutes per day is life changing. I put it on and within 5 minutes I am asleep. I awake in the morning feeling refreshed and I am no longer...


My wife introduced me on my birthday to a new CD that she promised would help me get a good night’s sleep. Of course, I was very skeptical. Boy, was I dead wrong. Following the instructions provided, I was not only starting to fall into a deep sleep, but I would wake up every...


Great sleep. Good focus....


Sleep VERY DEEPLY and very well. My body is much more relaxed than usual when I awake. WOW!...


I just wanted to say that the very first time I used DIFFUSION, the healing intent worked great. I had injured one of the toes on my right foot and it was quite swollen and bruised. The toe bones weren’t broken but the soft tissue was very painful to touch. Following the instructions for...


I put on DIFFUSION and within 5 minutes I find that I can slip into a meditative state that would normally take me the better part of an hour to achieve through traditional meditation techniques....


In times of mental and emotional turmoil, DIFFUSION has unfailingly brought me serenity and equanimity....

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