Calm the Mind, Transmute Unresolved Emotions and Feelings

calm mind emotions and feelings with Diffusion audio tool

Do you feel overwhelmed by the stresses of daily life? Are you going through some testy or traumatic events in life, experiencing anxiety attacks or even panic attacks? Do you feel overwhelmed by it all and need to find a way to calm your mind, emotions and feelings?

In this article, I write about a very powerful yet gentle audio healing tool called Diffusion. This tool allows you to calm your mind, emotions, and feelings so you can deal with the stresses of life that can interfere with one’s ability to function properly.

What does the Diffusion Audio Tool Do?

It contains a very specific combination of unique tones produced by crystal bowls to relax the mind, create mental clarity, and calm emotions and feelings. It also transmutes the charge held by unresolved emotions and feelings, helps eliminate everyday tension in the body, and induces healing on many levels. By the way, “transmute” simply means to alter or raise to a higher state — in this case, unresolved emotions and feelings. I’ll get to that shortly.

Diffusion is different from other tools because it allows you to address issues at a root cause level.

Mind, Emotions, Feelings, and How Humans are Wired

Before I get into how Diffusion works, we need to take a look at our human makeup.

When everything is stripped to the bare bones, we only have a mind, emotions, feelings, and physical senses to navigate and explore life. We use these to create our life experiences, learn, and grow. But when the experiences don’t go as expected, the emotions and feelings around them can affect how we think and feel.

Emotions and feelings are meant to be experienced for the feedback they provide and then released in an appropriate manner; and never internalized. So when emotions and feelings are not released properly, they can become tainted with negativity and begin to fester in memory. Anything that triggers these tainted memories can set off anxiety and stress. All of this can affect one’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

In cases of deep trauma, unresolved emotions and feelings will get in the way of finding resolution and healing. For this reason, finding a way to transmute unresolved emotions and feelings is essential.

What is the Nature of Thoughts, Emotions, and Feelings?

We know energy exists in many different forms, such as light, heat, magnetic, electrical, sound, and so on. A long time ago, mystics discovered that thoughts, emotions, and feelings are also forms of energy. They also discovered that negative emotions and feelings are associated with low vibrational states. On the other hand, positive emotions and feelings are associated with high vibrational states.

If you took Physics in high school, you may recall that one of the fundamental laws of Nature is that you cannot create or destroy energy; you can only change its state. So, how can we change the state of unresolved emotions and feelings?

Bear with me as we examine another law in Physics — the Law of Resonance.

What is the Law of Resonance?

You may also recall high school experiments using tuning forks. Simply put, when two tuning forks of the same frequency are placed apart, and one is struck with a mallet, the second tuning fork will start to vibrate at the same frequency. This is how the Law of Resonance works.

So, how does Diffusion Work?

The Diffusion audio tool uses 8 crystal bowls arranged in several layers to generate the different tones. Crystal bowls are large quartz bowls that, when played, produce sound much like when you rub your finger on the rim of a wine glass, except that these bowls produce a full and rich set of tones that span a wide musical spectrum. Each bowl has its own pure sound.

When the Diffusion audio track is played, it calms the mind and raises the unresolved emotions and feelings from a lower resonant state to a higher resonant state.

The whole process is driven by setting an intent to direct the focus of the healing session — whether it is to relax the body, calm the mind, emotions, and feelings, create mental clarity, or transmute unresolved emotions and feelings for deeper healing.

By the end of the Diffusion audio track, which is approximately 47 minutes long, it calms the mind, emotions, and feelings and allows the body to relax and induce healing on many levels.


The Diffusion audio tool has several applications: stress relief, relaxation, deep restorative sleep (it helps with insomnia), calming of the mind, emotions and feelings, mental clarity, transmuting unresolved emotions and feelings, clearing negativity, meditation, etc.


For more information on the Diffusion audio tool, visit:

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